Michael Brough
Based in Scotland
Founding date:
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Press / Business Contact:
OGlitch TankZaga-33
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ThenMichael emerged from a capsule in New Zealand long ago, and proceeded to Make Things. He has made many of the different Kinds of Thing. For some time he attemped to follow an Expected Life Path: the Academic, but despite an abiding love for the Abstract it was not quite the right fit. He went to the University and studied Mathematics, then travelled to the UK to pursue a PhD, but eventually broke down and dropped out of that. Meanwhile, he spent far too long making Vertex Dispenser, an esoteric strategy game that few understood.
NowHe lives a reclusive life in an unnamed village while making as many games as possible, and hopes to continue doing so. He is responsible for Glitch Tank, a 2-player iOS game; Zaga-33, a streamlined roguelike; VESPER.5, a sacred ritual; and numerous others.
There are far more images available for Michael Brough, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
There are currently no logos or icons available for Michael Brough. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!
Awards & Recognition
- "Winner of the Rob Fearon Filthy Phallus award for the game that could be the worst euphemism ever if you squint really hard (I said squint etc...)." - #indievisibility end of year awards, London, 10 December, 2011
Selected Articles
- "Brough makes
luminously clever games."
- Christian Donlan, Eurogamer - "A drunk man with a
synthesizer rolls his face slowly back and forth across
the keys to create the soundtrack."
- John Bedford, Modojo - "a pleasantly garish colour pallete and a desire to explore
the lunatic fringes of strategy"
- Edge Staff, Edge Online
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Team & Repeating
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presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks